The EVR Pizza Experiment

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Have you ever wondered what a piece of pizza looked like after sitting around an office for an entire year? No? Well we have! The purpose of this blog is to document what happens to two pieces of pizza (one with vegan cheese, one with regular mozzarella cheese) over the course of an entire year. We'll be taking pictures daily and giving you regular updates on the pizza's journey through 2009! What's going to happen at the end of the year? Will the pizza evaporate? Will mice eat the pizza? Will we end up with a giant pile of penicillin? Who knows!! Check back regularly so you don't miss out on this important piece of American history!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ever have those Shrinky Dink things when you were a kid? Those things were fucking awesome! I don't know how they worked (I'm assuming they're magical), but to this day I'm still blown away by how small those things got after you pulled them out of the oven. Something similar seems to be occuring with our test subjects. The heat has been blasting in the office over the past few days, which is most likely contributing to our continuously shrinking slices of pizza. Who knows, maybe we'll have teenie-tiny slices of pizza in a few days! Mr. T would totally eat that shit.


  1. sounds like a total rip off of this

    ps- we all know whats going to happen. those things are gonna be foul within a month.

  2. No one knows what is going to happen to the pizza! That is why (along with everyone else on the planet) I'm so interested in this blog!

    Chia Pets are sooo 1980's! Everyone knows what a Chia Pet is going to look like. They show you in the commercial even! BOOOORRRRING!! *YAWNS*
